
Children’s joy and happiness is a big part of their learning. At Talk Childcare to Me, we encourage them to have fun as a part of their education, with child-led activities which are adapted to their abilities and interests.

Reggio Emilia Learning

We follow the Reggio Emilia philosophy at Talk Childcare to Me, which focuses on children’s natural curiosity and competency, as well as a collaborative approach to learning.

There are 7 guiding principles of the Reggio Emilia. These principles are as follows:

Children are capable of constructing their own learning

Children play an active part in their education, as opposed to being passive observers. They are inspired by their own interests and curiosities, and understand best how they like to learn. We follow their natural interests, and allow children to initiate their own learning, often through exploration of the world around them.

Children are collaborators and learn through interaction within their communities

Learning is based on relationships; in Reggio Emilia there is a close interaction between teachers, parents, and children. Children are natural collaborators, working best when included in a community as opposed to working independently. We ensure that there is plenty of group work for the children, allowing them to learn from other children, adults, and the world around them.

Children are natural communicators and should be encouraged to express themselves however they feel they can

Known as The Hundred Languages of Children, written by the founder of the philosophy Loris Malaguzzi. The concept of The Hundred Languages, a concept created by the founder of Reggio Emilia Loris Malaguzzi, is that children are natural communicators, and thus should be encouraged to communicate through whatever means they can. This may include words, movement, drawings, paintings, buildings, sculptures, and more.

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The classroom environment acts as the third teacher

One of the most powerful components of incorporating a Reggio-style philosophy into a classroom environment is to ensure that the classroom itself acts as a teacher. It is a place of shared relationships, should provide a sense of belonging, and be welcoming and authentic.

Teachers are partners, nurturers, and guides who help facilitate the exploration of children’s interests

Teachers are partners in the learning process, facilitating the children’s education through guided experiences, open-ended discovery, and problem solving. The main goal for the teacher is to listen and observe the children, as well as question and listen for opportunities to encourage further exploration. It also means that teachers are not planning projects or learning points in advance – they’re allowing projects to emerge based on the interests of the children.

Documentation is a critical component of communication

Teachers are responsible for documenting the learning process within the classroom and transcribing the verbal language used by children. Teachers may take photos and even videos to better understand children and give parents the opportunity to see what their child is doing. Documenting what the children do also demonstrates to children that their work is of value and provides them with a portfolio of the progress they make throughout their education.

Parents are partners in education

Reggio Emilia sees parental participation in their child’s education as a critical component of the learning philosophy. Parents are always invited to play an active role in their child’s learning experiences at Talk Childcare to Me.

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Louisville, KY 40213

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3817 E Indian Trail

Louisville, KY 40213

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